Saturday, December 20, 2008

This and That

Today is church cleaning day. Those of you having church in your house or if you live in the parsonage attached to the church you know how this goes. Try to find (or hide) a place for everything. I laugh at the kids though, they love cleaning the sanctuary. They vacuum the entire floor, polish the pews, make sure all of the books are facing the same way and that each holder has one of each song book. They have a great time, BUT when it comes to the "house" part they suddenly are speakee cleany. (did that make sense) THey whine and complain. They pass the buck, mom I told Grady to do that, why didn't you do that Grady? Once they start, sometimes they become overachievers. "Hey mom, help me move this wardrobe so I can dust behind it." Ok maybe not that extreme but they suddenly clean the most unusual things. Stuff, I overlook.(Yikes, does that reflect bad on me.) The boys idea of cleaning is get the big trucks out to move stuff. Do you know, it takes a long time for them to clean a room when the trucks come out. THey must be getting paid by the mile and hour! I better check with the union on So here I sit on the floor, blogging thinking I better get back to this room. I will, soon enough I guess. Blogging has become theraputic.

Please keep my family in prayer. Rebekah was vomitting last night, Daryl feels puny as well. Colton acted sick but never vomitted. Brett and Grady have already been thru it. I am trying to run from it. My throat feels odd, but it has for some time. I still have my tonsils and so it could be they are catching all those nasty bugs. The devil makes me think worse, 2 years ago I had a scope done, I have battled GERD for a long time and they wanted to make sure the acids hadn't destroyed my esophogus. While in there they stretched my esophogus....ever since then I have moments like now when it is weird to swallow. OK, that may have been too much info.....ya think. I guess what we need is prayer.

Well, this has been an interesting blog thus far. My mom and dad are supposed to be here Mon. depending on the snow situation and how my dad feels. He was told Fri. that he has pneumonia....they said he was contagious the first 48 hours but should be fine after that. I guess if he feels up to coming to the frigid north they will come. I have been gathering recipes for him because he has celiac disease. A nasty disease where you can't have, breathe touch anything with gluten in it. Cross contamination is the kicker.

I am going to sign off for now. HOpe I didn't bore y'all. God bless those who follow Him.


Vicki Smith said...

Hey, Stacy! I saw your name on Becki's blogroll. Welcome to Blogland! And I completely understand how blogging can be therapudic. I feel the same way. I also keep a daily journal. It somehow helps to write down my thoughts.
I'll be praying you guys get ALL BETTER. I just was told of a divine healing this morning. God is the HEALER and He's still in business.

Genesis, Morgan and Bethany said...

Hi stacy. U finaly have time to look at your blog u sure have a good kids some times I wonder how It would be if we had our own church cause just like u my mom has a difficult time getting us to clean the house. Trust every thing is going well !!!! ~ gen

Tammy K. said...

I hope your family is feeling better. I also hope your parents made it safe.