Thursday, December 18, 2008

Listen to this program

If you have a chance, listen to the program from today on It is very interesting where the world is going, it makes my heart break. So many are going through life so deceived. It is scary. We need to pray, pray, pray. I know things will get worse and worse. This is all Bible prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes. Seriously, take a break and listen to the program. Well TTFN.


cokelady said...

Howdy, lady! Just wanted to let you know that I HAVE discovered your blog, I've just been really bad about getting around and commenting lately. I've added you to my blog list though, so now I'll SEE when you post something new and remember to come visit you. Glad you're here!!! :-)

Oh--and thank you for the package! It came yesterday. Katie was so excited about her letter and wreath from Rebekah (or is it Rebecca???) and the boys were happy with the pencils. And your Christmas card is GREAT this year! Ha! Love it! :-)

peaceinchaos said...

I am glad you found me. I was worried about the package so I am very glad it made it. Rebekah will be happy too. She worked long hours on that wreath, I did my share of cutting but she wanted it perfect. She wanted to crochet something but if she is like me, y'all would have got it when Katie was getting married. :)