Sunday, December 7, 2008

First Sunday Fellowship

Good Sunday Evening to you all. We have had a very good day. We had service this morning and then Bro. Gerald and Sis. Janis stayed and visited. We had hoped to go visit Bro. BJ from Arkansas up in Baggs but his employer told them they would be working. He is here working temporarily and can't wait to get back to his family in Arkansas. We have enjoyed his visits when he has been able to come. Since we didn't go to Baggs, we had the delima of lunch. I originally was going to make stir fry but Sis. Janis and I waited impatiently for the guys to tell us what we were doing. Daryl didn't want to go anywhere so we kept asking what they wanted to eat, stir fry would take a while. Bro. Gerald said he wanted burritoes, so we ran to the store to get refrieds and burger. I made gringo green chili which turned out good after some added spices. That is a great recipe that my family has made for years. We got it out of a cook book put out by a church in Pueblo. That is a great cook book. It has great mexican, italian and "bo-john" recipes. We got a great pic of Daryl and Bro. Gerald helping cook. I may try to post it. ok can't figure that out. Maybe Sis. Janis can post it.
After lunch we looked out the window and there was a lady with a percheron and wagon. We went to the door and she was at the stop sign. She asked if we wanted a ride, we were so excited. Sis. Janis, Hannah, Rebekah, Colton, Grady and I got to ride. The guys stayed here and watched Brett. It was so much fun. It turned out we knew the lady, she taught a ceramics class for our homeschool co-op. We got pics of this too, I am so technilogically backwards.
After we got back we chatted and gave the horse, Dan, a treat. He was so huge compared to my old quarter horse. I was always used to a horse that wasn't much more than 15 hands. He was well over 17. He was awesome.
Sis. Janis ran to her house later to let buddy out and then went to get the guys dessert. Good ol' ice cream. We had service at 7:00 which was my service (VLB) Afterward , we took pics in front of the Christmas tree.
Ok I have yakked too much. Good night all, see ya' here, there or in the air


mandie said...

Hey Sis. Stacey! Nice to see your blog! I didn't know you had 4 kids now! That's great! Hope you can post some pictures!! :) Love ya!!

Tammy K. said...

I know what you mean about movies, Its hard to find a good one.
Sounds like a fun Sunday. I am glad you guys and the Cox's have each other to do things with.