Thursday, December 11, 2008

Too Many Late Nights!!!!!

When is the time most moms can get something done? When the rugrats have gone to bed. I want to get my cards done and this seems to be the only time. I just thought I would stop long enough to see if there was anything new on the blog scene. This also gives me a moment to unwind....strange how theraputic blogging can be. I couldn't keep a written journal because my hands cramp but this typing thing works.
Sis. Janis was over this evening. We usually eat supper together on Thurs. then call into the Aurora church to have service with them. We suspected they may not have service but we called in anyway. No answer bummer. Before seven we baked Christmas cookies that we will decorate with the seniors tomorrow. This is a fun activity. Last year my boys got there pic in the paper with one of the "grandmas" it was great.
Saturday we are participating in a parade of museums. We are starting at Wyman's museum at 8 am. We will board a bus and go to the museum in Steamboat. They are serving brunch there. Then we will go to the museum in Hayden, on to the "gunfighter" museum in Craig for home made chick noodle soup. Then back to Wymans where there will be sleigh rides and crafts for the kids. I am so excited, I hope the weather holds. So far it has been almost Pueblo like, chilly with little snow. Weird for Craig.
I suppose as tomorrow approaches I should sign off. Later Tater: )


cokelady said...

Wow--the parade of museums thing sounds SO FUN! A sleigh ride and everything?! I'm almost jealous. :-)

peaceinchaos said...

It was so great. I love history. I even was quoted in the paper on Monday Dec. 15 and Brett got his pic on the front page.