Thursday, December 4, 2008

Yeah Snow!!!!!!!

If you can't tell, it snowed. I love snow. I know, I know, many are saying but it's cold and slick and ick! I like it, I can't help it I just do. If it is going to be cold, I want snow with it not just cold. The kids are very distracted by this wonder. They want to play not do school. I understand that but priorities. I want to play to but there are things to do. I need to start laundry because it's laundry day. I just looked at the clock. 12:00 and I haven't started yet....Yikes. I was on my other blog for a bit, it's a home schooling blog which is cool. All homeschoolers, parents and kids. It has been interesting to view these people who have similar struggles and successes. If you are interested, my blog over there is visit sometime. As some know, my blogging may become infrequent when my one month trial of internet is over. I may have to bug sis. janis to get online. Do you think she will let of charge?
Sis. Janis says I need to tell someone of my blog, so don't be surprised if I leave you a message.
I better get to check my studies (tongue in cheek) youngins. TATAFORNOW

1 comment:

Tammy K. said...

Sis Janis was right, if you don't tell ppl you have a blog they will never know and you won't get company. I will be the first to say welcome to blog land, it is a lot of fun here. Update often and put up pictures and you get more comments. :o) Just FYI for ya'
I am glad everything is well. You guys be safe in that snow.