Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hi, I am still here, sorta

Hi all. I hope you had a great holiday! Ours felt like a whirlwind....can you believe that it is over and now Jan. 2009. Wow!!! My folks did make it on Christmas Eve and left Sun. morning after Christmas. It was good to see them. We are now just trying to stay warm....we have had some cold days. Monday morning was -22 degrees. I think our high hit the single digits on the plus side. I thought I would take a few moments to "blog" but I have the daunting task of cleaning out our daughters room so that Daryl can finish the remodel in there. He wants the bed and all out....yikes and of course this is church cleaning day. We have to be ready for tomorrow. I won't write long, I just wanted to say hi.
Our condolences go out to the Horne's on the loss of their dog. These critters become such a part of the family, it is hard.

Good bye for now, keep on keeping on for the Lord.


cokelady said...

Sounds like you guys had a nice Christmas.

Did you get the room cleared out before Brother Daryl started tearing things up--I mean fixing things up???

THANK YOU for the condolences. We're missing Hershey Dog a whole lot, but we're still feeling blessed. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.

Rebekah Doran said...

Hey Sis. Stacey! Your blogging now! Neat. Glad to hear that you parents were able to make it for Christmas. Thanks for stopping by my blog and letting me know you are blogging. That was a cute picture you sent with your Christmas letter. :) You will be getting a picture or two from us soon.

Montgomery's said...

Hey! Just found your blog and I'm looking forward at trying to keep up with you. Hope all is well!

peaceinchaos said...

Sis. Rebekah H,
I did get the room cleaned up but the after clean up is a mess. Daryl couldn't go outside to cut the lumber so I am still finding sawdust

Sis. Rebekah D.
We recently got your card with the pics, your family is beautiful. The kids sure have grown.