Tuesday, March 31, 2009

poor poor pitiful me?

I guess it happens to all bloggers, they think...."hey, why would anyone want to read my blog, I am not interesting, everyone else is interesting but not me. why do I blog then, if no one wants to read it.....all those other blogs are soooooooo cool and soooooo interesting!" You know, or maybe you don't, the little pity party we sometimes throw. ok, maybe not you but the little pity party I throw, where noone is invited save me, myself and I. Stupid huh? Oh well, that was my bummer for the morning but party over, y'all ain't gonna get rid of me THAT easily. Believe it or not, I may even post a picture when I figure out how. Someone once said, you will get more comments if you post a pic. I have a couple to post, but I am borrowing a friends laptop today and don't know if my camera will connect. I am technologically challenged. I still remember dot matrix printers and making huge banners with those. So keep tuned, I may figure it out yet.

You may be wondering why I'm blogging today, it isn't my escape to the library day. I am working for the next 2 1/2 days as a proctor for the CSAP. THe big test in CO that kids have to take, not my kids, I give a different test that doesn't have to be proctored and isn't so stressful. Any way I have a room of 3, 4, 5 graders and we are in the midst of a session. By law, I cannot disclose any info not that you woul be interested. I have my opinions as well, but just in case I won't give you those. Call me and I can go on for hours. Anyway. This was a long session and the kids haven't had any questions so here I sit on a borrowed computer. These kids are part of online homeschools here. Just a side note.

My kids are with a friend from the homeschool group. She picked them up at 7:00 am and took them to her house. I sent them with school to do, she used to teach in the public schools so I know she will keep them on task. She also talked about doing schience experiments today so I know they will have fun. She has some distractions there.....11 cats, 1 dog and 4 horses.

I don't know if y'all heard, but I had a gallbladder attack one week ago Sunday. Sister Janis took me to the ER, just for them to take some tests, give me some pain meds and send me home. I had further tests last week, they came out somewhat normal but I still have a dull pain that is staying with me....I am seeing a nutri therapy lady today. I have heard she is not new agey but I know that field can be that way. I am also changing my diet...I am trying to stay away from fatty foods and spicey foods. The latter is harder I like mexican food, green chili is my weakness. I have to say my other vice I have been doing well....I love to drink coca-cola. I have not had one in 9 days. Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a feat for me!!!!! I haven't craved it until I mention not craving. Well it is lunch time at 10:40 in the morning but that is the schedule. I will blog later.


Montgomery's said...

lol, i remember dot printers as well, making banners that I thought was the coolest thing ever, and having to boot up the computer by DOS. You're not that much older than me.

I'd love to see a pic, some come on, figure it out!!!

have fun "working."

Vicki Smith said...

"schience experiments"??? Sounds interesting. :-P My kids never took schience in school. What's it like? *sorry, I couldn't resist*

Momma Tammi said...

We've all had those moments of "no one wants to read my blog" blues. However, just remember there are far more people READING your blog than commenting. I had 45 hits on my blog yesterday and 6 comments...so just keep that in my when you get the blues.

cokelady said...

Don't worry about the lack of comments. Sadly, the land of blogs has developed a great deficiency there! When I first started (nearly 3 years ago??? Can that be possible?) it was normal to get 10+ comments. Anymore, you're LUCKY to bag 2 or 3. And it has nothing to do with how interesting or not interesting your post are. Just keep blogging and know that somewhere out there your silent friends are happy they know what's going on in your life! :-)