Monday, March 16, 2009

Is it spring yet?

Ok with a title like that you may think, she must not like the cold up there in Craig. I actually like the weather here, last year I was fine with snow until June but this year I am chomping at the bit to get outside. I used to be that way as a kid, I was always horseback in good and not so good weather. I don't have those four legged wonders now but I want to get out and walk or something. I am sooooo not a domestic. My poor hubby wishes I were, but when you grow up in a barn, cleanig stalls a clean house is not a priority. Well, I am trying to do better. We may have some Mennonite friends visiting in the next couple of weeks so I best be cleaning. You know they keep a clean house (or at least that is what I assume.)

Today, Rebekah and I went to distribute four prayer shawls to some ladies at the nursing home. This was a great experience. This was a chance to tell them God loves them. Two of the ladies had some emotional problems but were so excited about the shawls. Another lady is 102 years young. She was so awesome. Rebekah said mom, she doesn't look 102. I was thrilled to meet her. With the last lady, we weren't able to visit but were able to give the shawl to her grandson who had just arrived to visit. This was a chance to share God's love with her family. Please pray for these ladies, God knows their hearts and where they are with Him. Unfortunately, our visits were very brief but I pray that they felt God's love. Pray for this endeaver as well. I was asked by the director of this ministry to help. She first asked her pastor if it was ok to include someone from another church, he agreed. This is a great opportunity for The Church of Godto be known and open some doors.

Well, it is spring break in the public schools this week but we will trudge on. We have had other breaks and may have one at the end of the month as I am proctoring the CSAP for the online school up here. We finally got into a good routine with Colton and Grady. It is funny, Grady turned 5 in Feb. and is having trouble writing the number 5 so he doesn't want to be 5. He says his birthday is a dream, he is still 4. It is so funny. This from the boy who refused, in tears, to eat monkey bread. Why? because he doesn't eat anything made from monkeys.

On the same point, I was looking at my cookbooks and found a recipe for frog-eye salad. Rebekah wrinkled her nose, "EWWW mom!" NO little one, this is not made out of frog-eyes.

On that I will say tata for now. For those who follow Him, we will see you here, there or in the air. PRAISE GOD!!!!!

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