Monday, April 27, 2009

I have a minute

Hi again. The kids and I walked to Sis Janis' house so I could get on the computer. The last time I was on I was on my way to Yard Sale. I like going to yard sales, there is something theraputic in looking at other peoples "junk." Yes I bought stuff, but I like to yak with folks more than anything. I have made a new acquantaince who I feel drawn to, she attends the apostolic church and we have had interesting talks. I invited her and her hubby and kids to family camp. She wants to go, please pray with me that they will be able to go. It would be great. I would love her to be around all y'all.

Speaking of prayer and camp. This Saturday, we have a booth at the Mother's Day Bazaar at the mall here. We are selling baked goods, popcorn and crafts. Please pray with us that we sell lots and make all we need for camp. I am excited about what the Lord is doing, so many want to come to camp.

By the by, Sis. Becki, it seems that Bro. James' b-day and our anniversary may fall on the same day, June 25? Oh and yes, stay with us when you come. We love having company although Daryl is on me to majorly clean. I am doing my best but you all know how I dread the domestic thing. We have basically the same number of rooms we just have one shower but if we do it right it will be good. I look forward to seeing you all. Sis. Janis and I see one another and get to visit but you are fresh blood hehehehe we love having people visit.

Well the sun is going down so to quote "Sound of Music" The sun has gone to bed and so must I....good bye.

1 comment:

Montgomery's said...

Praying you guys do good on your fund raiser. Wish we were going too.