Friday, April 3, 2009

I found info

Through the help of someone at the church where we have co-op classes I got the info I was looking for. It was a dr account, discussing how romans scourged prisoners giving the details. It has been emotional for me to read through this....God loved us THAT much. I know y'all know that but it is good to remember. Sometimes we feel frazzled, think how Jesus felt. Sometimes we are hurt, Jesus was hurt. Sometimes we want to "run" away, Jesus didn't, he could have but he loved us sooooooo much. That is awesome!!!!

1 comment:

cokelady said...

I'm glad you got the info you needed--without having to be exposed to any of the info you DIDN'T need. (Doesn't that just make you so mad???) You should post some of the details of the crucifixion here--it would probably do us all well to be reminded of what He went through FOR US.