Monday, April 15, 2013

38 weeks 39 weeks who's counting?

Ok technically I am counting.  My due date is next Wed. and I am anxious to meet this little one.  I also am restless.  I began my "nesting" Friday but the past couple of days I have been swelling a bit more so I tried to keep my feet up today.  I felt like such a bum.  Too much to do and I am "sitting" around.  All I needed were bon-bons!!!   I went to bed tonight just to be staring into a dark room.  2 problems, it is warm today even with the windows open and I am simply restless.  A couple contractions hit as I lay there but nothing to make me want to hit my hubby so I guess it is only a warm up!  We are praying this happens on a Friday which not everyone gets.  You see, Daryl just started a new job and to get off may be difficult.  Oh if the baby comes, he is coming home but he doesn't want to be "let go."  I don't want him to either but God knows all things.

In other news..........
is there other news?  I feel that I am consumed with the progress of this pregnancy.  As I am sitting here, I have had 3 kiddos get up and say "I can't sleep."  Join the club but the mom in me is like...."get back to bed and close your eyes."  2 say they have upset stomachs, one says they are hungry yet they ate a huge supper.  Ugh!  They are all back in bed but how long before I hear, Mom, one more thing..... that is my middle one's favorite phrase.  One more thing is like saying to make a long story never is, short.  He said he was afraid of the dirty clothes so he had to bring them into the laundry room.  Then he said his stomach hurt but not because he was sick, he wanted a snack.  It's all good though.  They are great blessings and this isn't that common of an occurance.

Strange place to close but I am going to for now.  Good night


ToughLady said...

next time i want to hear that u had the baby and that it is a girl okie dokie..

Rebekah said...

Wow! I found your blog!!! I've been meaning to come look for it for weeks now and just kept forgetting. I'm so glad I finally found you... and you're already ready to have a baby?! That's insane--it seems like we just heard you were expecting! We'll keep you in our prayers and look forward to happy news very soon. :-)

cokelady said...

Praying for you while you "linger." ;-) Hang in there!!! That baby has to make its appearance SOMETIME. :-)

Caleb & Katie said...

by the time that i read this post, the baby was already born. cant wait to meet it!