Monday, August 24, 2009

I have not given up on blogland. I was discouraged that no one was still doing this, but Sister Rebekah you gave me hope. Facebook is confusing and way too time consuming although I found 2 of my highschool friends on it and some of my cousins I haven't spoken too in some time. (that was a major run-on sentence wasn't it) It is way to confusing though.

I took the plunge and ordered learning adventures and saxon math. I am scared and excited all at once. Scared because it is new but excited because it is new. The kids can't wait to start school. I would have liked to have more time to organize my classroom....I got rid of a bunch of books and I still have a bunch of books. Is there anyone interested in 2nd and 4th grade Abeka me I'll make you a deal.

Well, my Bekah girl turned 10 and I turn....non-vlb as of Wed. Just when I was getting into VLB marches it is over....why was I soooooooo stuborn all those years and I didn't want to march. We don't know what we have missed out on until it is gone. : ( I talked Daryl into taking me out for an early b-day lunch Sun. My mom gave me shopping money and phase 10 dice game....WOO HOO thanks sister Emily I love that game. It is so great for quick math skills (the teacher in me just wont stop...I even asked for Newtons Workshop videos for my b-day ....didn't get 'em. boo hoo)

Well I have blogged through a down pore here at the library and it is over. I better sign off for now.


Vicki Smith said...

Hi, Stacy. I don't do FaceBook. I'm strictly a Blogger. I miss all the action we used to see in Blogland, but most folks have moved on. Sad.

cokelady said...

Happy Almost Birthday!!! I hope you have a great one. :-)

Blogging is so much more fun when folks comment. I'm so bad at commenting personally, however, that it's really rather selfish and hypocritical for me to gripe when nobody comments on my own blog! Ha! I'm trying to do better. This week. ;-)

Momma Tammi said...

Have a wonderful birthday!