Wednesday, September 30, 2009

happy fall

Hi all. It is fall, so be glad y'all! Ok not the best of poetry eh? I have been busy busy busy this year and have not been able to get to a computer until today. I have missed blogging, facebook....not so much. You can't just ramble on facebook you have to have a brief point and wait for a response. That does not work for someone who is only on the computer once a week or month depending on the schedule. So what has been happening with me? We went camping and grouse hunting a couple of weeks ago. It was chilly but fun. Those who know me know I was not raised in a hunting family. I have only killed a rattlesnake and prairie dog and both done with my car. The rattlesnake kill is a funny story. Picture this, I'm 17 heading home on a Friday night after "hanging" out with friends....we lived in Pueblo West on the northside before it was sooo built up. Any who, I am driving along and see a rattlesnake...I slow and run him over, back up and there he still is I run him over again, back up and can't find him....It is quite dark out there so my imagination goes wild. Where could he be, I imagine he has crawled on the tire into the engine and is going to emerge through a hole in my floor where the gas peddle is or maybe through a vent. I get home and am a little on edge...I fling my door open and literally jump as far as I can out of the car and proceed to run to the house. Ok, I thought it was funny.
The point to my story is I have never shot anything, So we are out grouse hunting and see grouse. Daryl jumps out of the pick up and stalks them, I have to find a safe place to park. He gets his and we take it back to camp. He has riddled it with shot so he majorly has to butcher it. The next day we see another on the road, I jump out....and sneak, sneak , sneak....that crazy bird just paced back and forth. I shot and killed it first shot (daryl took about 4 shots before his died) And my kill was a head shot, when daryl and the kids cleaned it, it actually resembled a fryer chicken. I baked them up when we got home, they were pretty good. Rebekah says a cross between a chicken and a turkey. I just had to get passed that I killed that crazy bird....I even apologized to it when I picked it up.....
What I need to get now is some blaze orange to make a "hippy" skirt out of old jeans, we are elk hunting in a couple of weeks and I don't want to get shot, yes I have hats and vests but lots of orange don't hurt. If we fill our tags, I may turn vegetarian for a while.LOL I like to watch elk but have only eaten one once.
Well, I was hoping we were going to ministers retreat but we cant since ladies retreat is the same month. I have to have Daryl take time off for me to go to ladies it wont work being so close together. Bummer huh....I guess Bro. Gerald and Sis. Janis will have to give us all the pearls of wisdom when we get back.
We had a very good visit with our Mennonite friends Sunday. The Lord has blessed us with opportunities to visit with several of the Mennonites in Craig. It is interesting, I usually will end up talking doctrinal issues....and this time was no different. The lady and I were talking about dressing holy and she asked, "so do you consider your hair your covering?" She stumped me because I hadn't thought of it and did not have an answer. Afterward I looked up the scriptures about head covering....I found the scriptures where they get their beliefs and I found where our hair is our covering in I Corinth. Are these the right scriptures? Has anyone been approached by these questions? Help....
Well I have to go get the kids from a science class. Hope all is well.....


Vicki Smith said...

Hey, Sister Stacy. -Sister Janis gave me a call the other day and said you were going to blog about your conversation with your Mennonite friends.
Yes, I believe 1 Corinthians 11 would be the primary passage they use for their hair beliefs. They believe an additional covering is required, beyond their long hair. The Church of God has never addressed the additional head covering, as far as I know, and leaves hair length up to the individual's conscience.
Head coverings (according to their interpretation of Scripture)are supposed to be indicative of a submissive spirit to husbands. I met an Amish lady once who was dressed in all the "holy" ways that her religion espoused, but she was married to her second husband and she had anything BUT a submissive spirit. Her "plain" clothes and head covering didn't have much effect on her inner man.

cokelady said...

Inner woman, I think she means. ;-)

Wow, you HAVE been busy! AND adventuresome! I wouldn't know what to do with a grouse, but I'm already jealous of the very THOUGHT of having an elk in the freezer! Believe me, if it's cooked right you would never know it's "wild" meat. It's sooooo good and much better for you. (I say as I contemplate going to get a stack of Oreos! Ha!)

I'm so sorry Minister's Retreat isn't going to work out for you guys! We'll miss you there. We're going to HAVE to find a different location with different dates for next year. We have SO STRUGGLED to find a place for that event that will actually work for everybody--and to be able to space it properly between the other events. ~sigh~ Next year!